Weekly Battle Rhythm
Wearing Your Uniform
Wearing Your Uniform
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According to Army regulations on the wearing and appearance of uniforms, “all personnel will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance.” This regulation means that your personal appearance in uniform should project the image to others that you are a part of one of the finest groups in the world.
Learning how to look your best in uniform takes time and effort. Your uniform must fit you properly, and be worn in accordance with regulations.
Learn the proper placement of insignia, awards, and decorations. Know how to clean and care for your uniform, so you will always look your best.
Prior to the formal inspection, it is a good idea to ask a fellow cadet to look at your uniform and check it for anything that does not meet regulations.
Make a final check yourself, and then proudly present yourself for inspection.
Once you have a perfect fitting uniform, there are still other guidelines to follow so that you can maintain an outstanding appearance:
Having good personal grooming habits, such as caring for your hair and fingernails.
Knowing how to wear the uniform properly.
Knowing how to care and clean the uniform — a proper appearance requires a pressed and cleaned uniform.
These factors, and guidelines, are the basic keys to a good overall appearance in your JROTC uniform. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your uniform and your personal appearance are in accordance with regulations.
Class A Uniform

Class B Uniform

Female Class B Uniform Regulations
Name plate: aligned with the top of the third button.
Ribbons: aligned with the bottom of the name plate.
Arcs: centered with nameplate, between the fourth and fifth buttons, must be 1/8 of an inch apart but may adjust depending on cadet's body.
Honor unit with distinction award: centered 1/4" above the name plate.
Unit crest: centered 1/4" above honor unit with distinction award, or centered 1/4" above name plate, if you do not have one.
Belts: worn to the right and be free of fingerprints or smudges.
If you are not wearing a neck tab, the top button should be unbuttoned.
Hair: pulled back, neatly in a bun with no hair touching the shirt collar.
Earrings: may only be spherical, not exceeding 1/4" in diameter, colors may only be gold, silver or white.
Cadets may not wear flashy or bright colored makeup.
All cadets: uniform must be cleaned and pressed, and shoes must be free of smudges.
All cadets socks: only the black socks distributed to cadets are authorized.
All cadets gig line: should be straight.
All cadets jewelry: a wrist watch, a wrist identification bracelet (only one per wrist), and not more than two rings are authorized.
Male Class B Uniform Regulations
Name plate: centered above the right pocket button.
Honor unit with distinction award: centered 1/4" above the right pocket.
Unit crest: centered 1/4" above honor unit with distinction award, or centered 1/4" above pocket if you do not have one.
Arcs: centered on the right pocket with 1/8 spacing between arcs.
Ribbons: centered 1/8" above left pocket.
Hair and sideburns: neatly trimmed, with sideburns not extending below the bottom of ear opening.
Mustaches: may not extend past the corners of the mouth.
Males must wear a white t-shirt under class B shirt and first button must be unbuttoned.
Belts: worn to the left and must be free of fingerprints or smudges.
All cadets: uniform must be cleaned and pressed, and shoes must be free of smudges.
All cadets socks: only the black socks distributed to cadets are authorized.
All cadets gig line: should be straight.
All Cadets jewelry: a wrist watch, a wrist identification bracelet (only one per wrist), and not more than two rings are authorized.